TepcoMeter for Mac (Unofficial) released free of charge

Scivone LLC has released an electricity consumption monitor app, "TepcoMeter for Mac (Unofficial)", which uses the data provided by Mr. Kanemoto Shigeru of SWITCHSCIENCE ( twitter: @ssci ) who has provided an API to access the electricity consumption in the Kanto area provided by Tokyo Electric Power Company.

Download TepcoMeter for Mac

About Tepco Meter for Mac

Tepco Metere well provide information on the electricity usage of the Kanto area in the upper right part of you Mac menu bar in percentages(against how much power is available an how much is being used). The more scarce the electricity, the color of the icon gets more red.

Powered by the "Tokyo Electric Power Company electricity usage API" provided by Mr. Kanemoto Shigeru of SWITCHSCIENCE ( twitter: @ssci )

Tokyo Electric Power Company electricity usage API http://tepco-usage-api.appspot.com/

Download TepcoMeter for Mac


Electricity usage shown on Menubar, Growl notifications, Information on the rotation blackouts, automatic update notifications.

Download and Install

Click on link bellow, or right click and select save. unzip the archived file, move the application file to the Applications folder, and double click.

Download TepcoMeter for Mac


Tepco Meter for Mac is not an official app that has been approved by Tokyo Electric Power Company, and is intended to be temporary source of information. There are no guarantees on the currentness of the information, for more precise and up to date information, please see the Tokyo Electric's homepage

Tokyo Electric web site http://www.tepco.co.jp/

Hosting of this app may be discontinued if Tokyo Electric requests so.